I've been receiving fantastic feedback from these postings. By nature, I enjoy the review and suggestions. Over the weekend, a Duke Divinity School staff colleague (an experienced blogger!) of mine sent me a very helpful email about this blog. Per my last post, she too, was not clear as to what my blog is about, but is sympathetic to me traveling the path to discovery.
She offered also that the blog name, "God's Acre," is a bit presumptuous - something that I took for granted having known what (and where) God's Acre is. Certainly, I do not want anyone to think that this is "God's space" or that I am writing on God's behalf. Rather, as she pointed out in her email, it is important to identify the blog name as the sacred cemetery at Old Salem, North Carolina.
During my undergraduate studies at Salem College, God's Acre is where I found peace, and it is symbolic of my time there. It captures the experience, the Moravian way (all stones are equal), and the beauty of Old Salem and Salem College. My colleague suggested adding a photo (or a name plate) of God's Acre in the title - a stellar suggestion! It places the title back to it's original space, and reminds me each time I see it of its inspiration.
Most of all, my colleague encouraged me to keep writing - which for me means keep exploring, listening, and engaging my energy and passion.
As time moves on, I know that the objective for this blog will become clearer. It already has. I gravitate toward writing about land, home, sacred space - and for me, Old Salem and God's Acre are central to those themes. Writing about the experience of attending a women's college in a historic village is energizing, and something I have been doing for years. Now, each paragraph and each memory gets clearer with age - and a more mature, reflective Dana is able to process it readily.
So, thank you all - for your comments and feedback. Please, keep it coming!
Photo: God's Acre Cemetery
Photo Credit: Brian Leon, http://flickr.com/photos/ncbrian
Used with permission
I love your blog. Keep it up. I'm still working on the Binkley thing. Thanks for putting me in contact and keep praying. Peace, George
George! Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I just visited your blog! How inspiring it is! You and your family are in my prayers as you continue your journey together.
Peace friend!
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