Named for the Moravian cementary in historic Old Salem, God's Acre is the place where I spent four years of my life wandering about after quiet suppers in the Salem College Refectory. The sacred burial ground is a short walk up the hill from Salem Square past Home Moravian Church, and at sunset is kissed with orange and pink light peeking through the enormous trees. This ground is home to many humble Moravians who are only marked by matching white stones - level with the grass.
God's Acre is far more than one unit of land now, but I like the implication that each unit belongs to God. Many worldviews assert that all land is God's - created and given to humanity for living and good stewardship.
I invite us to imagine ourselves as acres: God's land, created and given, and in need of good care. Because we are God's, this implies that we are sacred and called. This land is a metaphor for the journey, the call to be planted, fed, grown, wintered, and restored. Let the journey begin ...
Photo: God's Acre cementary located in Old Salem, North Carolina.
Photo credit: Old Salem Museums and Gardens
Are you writing about book with this title/ theme still? Seemed like a really interesting project.
Great idea!
You're right - I am indeed working on a book-length manscript based on my time at Salem College tentitavely titled God's Acre. I am thrilled you think it would be interesting! Now to find an agent/publisher that thinks it would be interesting as well.
Thanks for the comment!
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