In recent months, while freelance writing and working for Duke Divinity School, I've been in prayer for a full-time position as a writer/communicator.
My prayer has been answered in the form of a transition within Duke - from the Divinity School to the Center for Child & Family Health, a collaborative endeavor of Duke, UNC, and NCCU. CCFH provides trauma treatment and prevention services to local children and families. I have been appointed as the annual giving officer for the center, coordinating its print media pieces, annual giving materials, foundation proposals, and web content. I practice a different kind of writing now - my craft is focused on drawing awareness to local children and families who have been experienced trauma, and cultivating resources for their journey of healing.
Transitions are difficult: beginning new adventures and feeling the anxiousness of new challenges. Further along, that anxiety seems minimal compared to the great joy we found (or that found us!) in the new journey.
© 2009 J. Dana Trent